You must be able to properly reference sources, regardless whether you’re writing an academic paper or a novel. Citations are required in academic texts when you quote information from another source, incorporate their ideas, discuss arguments, or provide examples. Citing sources not just prevents plagiarism, but it can also make your writing more credible. In the following paragraphs, we’ll discuss the rules for using sources in essays.
The best way to reference sources is to identify the work or person you’re quoting. You can modify a quote to fit your essay, but you need to be specific about the change. Don’t alter the words of the quotation or say that the author used incorrect words, since it could change the meaning of the source. Citations should only be used if they are relevant for the subject of your paper.
Follow the APA style when writing a reference citation. It is important to include page numbers as well as the author’s name. You could also mention a book’s page such as 123. You would then write “Smith page 123”.
When you write a reference, you need to include the author’s name reversed commas. When there are multiple layers of government agencies, it’s recommended to use the one that’s the most precise. If the parent agency isn’t listed as the author, they should be listed as the publisher in the source element. Normally, citations must contain the year of publication, however some publications also require a month or season. If the information isn’t readily available, substitute a comma.
Titles of books and articles should be capitalized You can also use the shorter version of the title to replace the author’s name. In addition, television series and web-based series should include the season number and episode number. When you write a film or TV show citation, make sure to include the author’s last name or initial. To distinguish between different works by the same author, you could make use of a signal word, such as the author’s name or the year of publication.
Another method of citing a source is through footnotes. Footnotes can be used to reference the source. They are useful in making it clear to readers where the information came from. If you aren’t sure how to use footnotes, ask your instructor for guidance on the format. You can refer to the section on citation styles or refer to your instructor’s guidelines. You can also refer to the citation style used in your assignment.